Recherche über die Griechischen handschriften in Rumänien
Part of : Balkan studies : biannual publication of the Institute for Balkan Studies ; Vol.34, No.1, 1993, pages 5-16
Parallel Title:
Research about the Greek manuscripts in Romania
Section Title:
During my researches in Romania in the last three years (1991-93) Inoted the existence of (he following collections of greek manuscripts —amongthem some less known or unresearched collections.1. Library of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest): 1566 mss; only themss 1-1066 are described. For the rest there is an unpublished catalogue ofM. Caratasu. 2. Library of the Holy Synod (Bucharest): 24 mss, mainly ofthe 18th/19th cent.; most of them are not described. 3. Art Museum (Bucharest):Il lituigical mss (14th-19th cent.). 4. Central Univeisity Library “M.Eminescu” (Jassy): About 140 mss; Γ work already on a catalogue of thiscollection. 5. State Archives (Jassy): 40 mss; a short description was publishedby Dan Jumara. 6. Literature Museum (Jassy): 4 liturgical mss. 7.Metropolis of Moldavia and Suceava (Jassy): According to informations ofthe librarians the collection includes about 20 mss. 8. Monastery of Nearnt(Neamt): 38 mss; an inventory (in manuscript) is kept in the monastery.9. Monastery of Putna (Putna / Bucovina): 1 ms (Heirmologion of the 15thcent.). 10. Museum of Oltenia (Oltenia): To my knowledge there is an Evangelistariumdated at the 12th cent. 11. Library “A. Urechia” (Galati): 16 mss,mainly theological (18th/19th cent.).According to informations of Romanian librarians and researchers greekmanuscripts are possibly to be found also in other places in Romania, as inthe cities Cluj, Brasov, Braila etc. During my visit in different monasteries inMoldavia and Bucovina (North Romania) it was not possible to discoverany other greek manuscripts.The most of the greek manuscripts in Romania were copied during the17th and 18th cent, and they are important for the transmission of postbyzantincand modern greek literary texts.
Subject (LC):
Ελληνικά κείμενα στη Ρουμανία