Νεολιθικός οικισμός Μακρύγιαλου, 1993
Part of : Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη ; Vol.7, No.1, 1993, pages 215-222
Parallel Title:
Neolithic settlement at Makriyalos, 1993
Towards the end of 1992, in the course of two major public works —the new railway line and the second branch of the national highway— a flat extensive Neolithic settlement was located at Makriyalos. Investigations started in 1993 and continued throughout the year. They are still going on. The severe erosion that is typical of the area has carried away much of the archaeological earthfill. The remnants of two different phases survive, both Late Neolithic, and only partially overlapping. The first phase (Makriyalos I)is surrounded by a system of two trenches. Habitation within the enclosure was sparse, as is attested by the few remains of buildings. The dwellings were circular, semi-subterranean, wattle-and-daub structures. The pottery may be identified with that of the pre-Diminian Thessalian phases. The second phase (Makriyalos II) occupies a smaller area, and here too there are indications of trenches. Quite a number of dwellings of the same type as those of phase I were located, and these preserve more evidence of the building techniques and superstructure. A large number of pits for various special purposes also survive, as do some smaller structures and hearths. The painted pottery from this phase resembles the pottery from Classical Dimini, and this offers a clear dating. The striking quantity and variety of the movable finds that have been collected are even more significant in view of the fact that they come from the biggest systematic excavation of a Neolithic settlement of this type ever conducted in Greece. The excavations will continue without interruption until the whole area targeted by the public works has been investigated
Subject (LC):
Νεολιθική εποχή, Πιερία, συνέδρια
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