Losing it : knowledge management in tourism development projects
Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.4, No.3, 2009, pages 149-166
Section Title:
Research papers
Knowledge management and the development of the destination’s capacity of theintellectual skills needed to use tourism as an effective tool in the search forregeneration and development are central themes explored within this paper. Theauthors have lived and worked with the problems inherent in short term fundingof special projects designed to achieve or facilitate tourism development. We havewitnessed with growing sadness the results – and the lack of them – as fundingcycles end and staff with experience move away. Development processes requiremulti-stakeholder involvement at all levels, bringing together governments,NGOs, residents, industry and professionals in a partnership that determines theamount and kind of tourism that a community wants (Sirakaya et al., 2001).Planners need to provide knowledge sharing mechanisms to residents, visitors,industry and other stakeholders in order to raise public and political awareness.We note an absence of literature relating to the capacity of communities to learnfrom short-term funded projects that inherently are destined to provide a strategicblueprint for destination development and in most cases regeneration throughcommunity-based tourism action.
Subject (LC):
knowledge management, sharing and embedding, community tourism
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