Geotechnical and metric engineering applied to building of a Roman villa in the vega of Granada (Spain)
Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.12, No.1, 2012, pages 31-41
Section Title:
The excavation of a Roman villa in the city of Granada (Andalusia, Spain) has provided major information about the use of geotechnical principles and methods of building a house in the 1st century A.D. The study of the building techniques shows that the inhabitants of the Granada basin had ample knowledge of architectural engineering and its relationship to the geologic characteristics in the area of Granada. This knowledge was applied by architects to the foundations of buildings to prevent natural risks, mainly rainfall damage to unstable geologic material, a shallow phreatic level, and periodic floods. The architectural design was adapted to these considerations although the building studied is a simple house, more similar to the pars rustica of a villa than a luxury villa.
Subject (LC):
architectural foundation, engineering, geology, Roman period, stratigraphy
Corresponding author: [email protected]
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