Metal jewelry from burials and socioeconomic status in rural Jordan in Late Antiquity
Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.15, No.2, 2015, pages 81-99
Metal jewelry is frequently found in tombs in Jordan dating to Late Antiquity and archaeological data provides a general view of economic prosperity in the region during this period. Metal artifacts recovered from mortuary contexts have long been used by archaeologists as evidence of wealth and socioeconomic status. This paper combines materials analysis with material culture theory to examine the use of metal jewelry in the expression and negotiation of economic status in mortuary contexts in Late Antique Jordan. We contextualize this material within both local and regional social and economic conditions to demonstrate the importance of color in analyzing the choices made by both producers and consumers of metal jewelry.
Subject (LC):
Late Antiquity, mortuary, jewelry, copper, technological choice
Corresponding author: H. Kory Cooper ([email protected])
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