Characterization of the chemical composition of medieval glass finds from South Bulgaria

Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.15, No.2, 2015, pages 257-275

PIXE and PIGE were used for determination of 23 elements in 50 glass samples excavated in Zlatna Livada – South Bulgaria (dated 11th-12th century AD). Elemental concentrations show that the analyzed fragments belong to soda-lime-silica glasses. Cluster analysis and bivariate plots indicate the use of natron, plant ash and mixed alkalis as well as production according Near East and Roman-province recipes. The metal oxides responsible for coloration were also investigated. The blue and blue-green colors are due either to CoO or to high concentration of FeO (blue: 3.3-6.3%, blue-green: 1.23-2.83%), melted in reducing atmosphere. The melting under oxidizing environment determined the higher oxidation state of iron oxide and the green color of some of the glasses (0.7- 3.4% Fe2O3). Different shades of brown color are due to the high concentration of Fe2O3 (2.4-4.9%) and Mn2O3 (0.3-0.7%) melted in oxidizing atmosphere. Discoloration of the glasses is achieved by the presence of high amount of MnO (0.6-2%). A comparison to other medieval Bulgarian glasses was performed.
Subject (LC):
medieval glass bracelets, PIXE, PIGE, glass technology
Corresponding author: Valentina Lyubomirova ([email protected])
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