Archaeomalacological remains from Ulucak, Western Turkey (Izmir region) : A preliminary report
Part of : Mediterranean archaeology & archaeometry : international journal ; Vol.5, No.3, 2005, pages 23-26
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This is a preliminary report of the archaeomalacological material analysis from the chalcolithicsite of Ulucak, in Western Turkey. This study is limited to the presentation of the few shells givento us. The importance of this shell material cannot be discussed in detail as it represents a verysmall sample of the whole.Regarding to the identification of the shells, bivalves and gastropods, belonging to differentenvironments, are present. Donacilla cornea and Cardium (Cerastoderma glaucum) come fromsandy bottoms, while Murex trunculus and Conus mediterraneus come from rocky environments.They are probably dietary remains and their significance in the nutrition has to be examined.The general economic patterns at Ulucak are actually quite different from those of the pastalready known Anatolian and Aegean sites. A detailed comparison with prehistoric coastal sites inAnatolia and Greece is necessary in order to interpret the Ulucak remains. This will be a subject tobe discussed in the final publication of the material.
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