Η πρώτη έντυπη νεοελληνική πραγματεία περί προοπτικής : Η ευρωπαϊκή τέχνη και η υποδοχή της στην Ελλάδα του 19ου αιώνα
Part of : Ελληνικά : φιλολογικό, ιστορικό και λαογραφικό περιοδικό σύγγραμμα ; Vol.45, No.2, 1995, pages 341-352
Parallel Title:
The First Neo-Hellenic Treatise on Perspective. : European Art and its Reception in 19th Century Greece
The book entitled Traité de perspective pratique pour dessiner d'après nature (11834), by J. P. Thénot was translated and published (1856) on the island of Syros. The author of the article first attempts to trace the conditions of publication and the people involved, while also making observations on specific problems of translation, such as the manner in which terms drawn from Mathematics, Geometry, Optics, and the History of Art are rendered in Greek. There is, however, more than this. The perspective configuration as a technical device was «unknown» in pre-Revolutionary Greece. During the long period of Turkish rule, folk artists practised a different system of representation, with more than one point of view, which derived from Byzantine art. The adoption of Western three-dimensionality, which was not just a code but also a model for thought, is analysed within the context of the Eurocentric tendencies of the fledgling state and its efforts towards a modern cultural formation. The translation of this particular manual on perspective, for the use of painters and students, is shown to be a paradigm of these efforts, which were supported by eminent figures of the period, such as G. G. Papadopoulos, L. Kaftanzoglou and S. Koumanoudis.
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