Το ψευδο-γαληνικό έργο "Οροι ιατρικοί και ο κώδικας Vaticanus Palat. gr. 199
Part of : Ελληνικά : φιλολογικό, ιστορικό και λαογραφικό περιοδικό σύγγραμμα ; Vol.44, No.2, 1994, pages 319-340
Parallel Title:
The Pseudo-Galenic Work Definitiones medicae and the Codex Vaticanus Palat. gr. 199
Under study is the cod. Vaticanus Palat. gr. 199 [P x] of the 13th century, in conjunction with the indirect tradition of the work "Οροι Ιατρικοί (Definitiones medicae) attributed to Galen. In P x there are to be found definitions (or parts of definitions), which are transmitted indirectly, either as insertions at various points of the fifth and sixth books of the physician Aëtius the Amidene, or as marginalia. In particular, the interesting features which arose from this research can be summarised as follows: (a) In the anonymous work On the Pulse (transmitted only by P x, ff. 198v-204r, as insertions between chaps. 26 and 27 of the fifth book of Aëtius), there are to be found embodied in the text two pseudo-Galenic definitions, 13 and 132, as well as part of 133. Thus, the sources of this anonymous work can, to all intents and purposes, be identified, (b) In a comment in the left margin of f. 198v., part of definition 110 has been identified, (c) At the beginning of the fifth book of Aëtius, in the place of the proemium, P x, ff. 194v-195r, transmits 22 definitions or parts thereof, (d) At the end of chap. 29 of the sixth book of Aëtius, P x, f. 272r, transmits part of definitions 244 and 245. Altogether, 76 definitions and parts of definitions have been identified as being transmitted indirectly in P*, i.e, about 1/6 of the Defìnitiones medicae (at least numerically), since the total number of terms in the pseudo-Galenic work amounts to 487. It is worth noting that P* is the second oldest known codex in which parts of the Defìnitiones medicae are to be found, and that, in several passages, the text seems to have been transmitted better than the published one. These findings constitute a sufficient reason for a future editor of this work to extend his research to other texts contained in Px as insertions into the work of Aëtius (or, indeed, into the works of other authors present in the codex) or in its margins. It is very likely that Px will prove rather important for the reconstruction of parts of Defìnitiones medicae. The article offers also a number of emendations for the improvement of the texts under examination.
Subject (LC):
Ευχαριστώ θερμά τους καθηγητές Δ. Ι. Ιαχώβ και Γ. Μ. Παράσογλου, που διάβασαν το χειρόγραφο της εργασίας αυτής xat μου έκαναν χρήσιμες υποδείξεις