Υπάρχει το φαινόμενον της συναιρέσεως εις την δημοτικήν;

Part of : Πλάτων : περιοδικό της Εταιρείας Ελλήνων Φιλολόγων ; Vol.ΛΑ, No.61-62, 1979, pages 136-142

The main purpose of this paper was to examine whether the well • known phonological phenomenon of syneresis does or does not exist in modern Greek. It has been shown in this paper that there is no such a phenomenon in modern Greek as syneresis. What we actually find in modern Greek is the deletion of one of the two vowels which are close to each other within a word. If the two contiguous vowels are similar, then the unstressed one is deleted, whereas in the case of dissimilar vowels the weaker one is dropped. A characteristic exeption to the latter case has also been considered, particularly the case of the first person singular of verbs in -άο -ό, where the stronger vowel is deleted. To interpret the deletion of the strongest vowel a, morphological and surface syntactic considerations should be taken into account. This exception to the general vowel deletion rule constitutes a strong evidence against the view held previously that phonology is autonomous.
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References (1):
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